What are the Effects of Mixing Methylphenidate and Alcohol?
Along with the serious and even fatal risks of mixing alcohol and methylphenidate, there are other considerations as how to wean off alcohol well. Namely, both alcohol and methylphenidate are drugs that can lead to addiction and dependence. When someone is battling a polysubstance addiction, it can make treatment more complex. It’s also more difficult to go through detox when there are multiple drug dependencies involved. It’s important to use methylphenidate only as prescribed and to avoid mixing it with alcohol when it is used. Alcohol is different from methylphenidate because it’s a central nervous system depressant, as opposed to a stimulant. There are currently no reports of Ritalin interacting with vitamins. But this doesn’t mean that such maverick house sober living interactions won’t be recognized in the future. Taking Ritalin…